REGISTER NOW for ASC’s Heart & Sole 5K

Saturday, February 15
Oak Point Park
2801 E. Spring Creek Parkway
Plano, Texas 75074

The 15th Annual Heart & Sole 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run is right around the corner, and our registration site is officially LIVE! Please join us at Oak Point Park in Plano on Saturday, February 15, and promote the race to your family, friends, and coworkers. Runners, walkers, children, and dogs are all welcome! And stick around after the race for breakfast, music, and family-friendly activities, including a bounce house, face painters, and a balloon artist.  Mark your calendars and register today!

In the meantime, we need your help! Each year on the weekends leading up to the Heart & Sole 5K, we distribute promotional rack cards (featuring race day information and the names/logos of our sponsors) at other races throughout the Dallas/Plano area.

Please click on the link below to sign up and help with this effort! The time commitment isn’t much — about two hours on a Saturday or Sunday — but it makes a major impact on our race registration numbers. Our first opportunities are the DRC Frigid race (at Winfrey Point on White Rock Lake) on January 4, and the Hotcake Hustle (at Oak Point Park in Plano) on January 11. Please come volunteer and help make our race a success!

ASC Gives Back: Celebrate this Holiday Season by Purchasing Items for POETIC Therapy Kits

Thursday, January 30
6-8 p.m.
Berry Appleman & Leiden, LLP
2400 N. Glenville Drive
Richardson, Texas 75082 

Mark your calendars for ASC Gives Back on January 30 at Berry Appleman & Leiden! This event will feature an evening of volunteer work for POETIC with wine, hors d’oeuvres, and a presentation that will provide a more in-depth look at the services POETIC provides to its clients. Keep an eye out for more details and an RSVP link in an upcoming newsletter.

For the volunteer component of this event, we will be assembling therapy kits for POETIC’s clients. The kits will contain items that bring comfort to girls who are struggling, reminding them of how special they are when they need it most. Please help make this event a success by purchasing a few therapy kit items from POETIC’s Amazon Wish List (select “POETIC WISH LIST DELIVERY” as your shipping address for delivery). They will be shipped to POETIC and then brought to our January event for assembly. As we approach the holiday season, please consider making this a part of your holiday giving. Let’s assemble as many kits as we can for this worthy cause! 

Special thanks to the Presenting Sponsor of this event, Winkler Johnson Group, and to Berry Appleman & Leiden for hosting the event. 

2024-2025 Save the Dates

January 13 – January Planning Meeting, Carrington Coleman (Downtown), 12-1 p.m.

January 30 — ASC Gives Back, Berry Appleman & Leiden (Richardson), 6-8 p.m.

February 4February Planning Meeting, Pearson Partners International (North Dallas), 12-1 p.m.

February 15 — ASC Heart & Sole 5K, Oak Point Park (Plano), 7:30-10:30 a.m.

April 1April Planning Meeting, Dykema Gossett (Downtown), 12-1 p.m.

April 3 — ASC Silent Auction, Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr (Downtown)

May 6 May Planning Meeting, Haynes Boone (Uptown), 12-1 p.m.

June 13ASC’s 38th Annual Luncheon, Thompson Dallas (Downtown), 12-1:30 p.m.

2023-24 ASC Leadership

Lead Chair

Devon Sharp
Galderma Laboratories, L.P.


Debrán O’Neil
Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal, L.L.P.

Attorneys Serving the Community is a dynamic volunteer organization of more than 400 women lawyers, judges, law students, and legal industry service professionals with JDs in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. For over 37 years, ASC has raised money for local non-profit organizations that benefit women, children, and/or families. ASC is proud to have raised more than $5 million for DFW non-profits since 2015.


RSVP for ASC’s January Planning Meeting


Reminder: RSVP for ASC’s December Planning Meeting